Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Latest book: Mobile App Programming for Android

This week I'm putting the final touches on my latest zyBook: Mobile App Programming. If you aren't familiar with zyBooks, they are online books that include animations and interactive questions. (I co-authored the Web Programming zyBook a few years ago and use it in my web development courses.)

Mobile App Programming shows how to develop Android apps using Java. The book contains several complete Android apps: Pizza Party, Lights Out, Dice Roller, The Band Database, and others.

Below is a summary of the Mobile App Programming chapters. Contact sales@zybooks.com if you'd like to be alerted when the zyBook is ready for evaluation. You can beta test it this fall if you'd like.

  1. Introduction: Android platform, Android Studio, app resources, debugging
  2. Layouts and Widgets: Various layouts, widgets, event handling, styles and themes
  3. Activities and Intents: Activity lifecycle, restoring state, explicit and implicit intents
  4. Menus, Dialogs, and Touch: app bar, dialogs, context menus, touch and gestures
  5. Fragments: Creating fragments, fragment lifecycle, fragment and activity interaction, RecyclerView
  6. Working with Data: Shared preferences, file I/O, SQLite, settings, web APIs, Volley, Room
  7. Running Background Tasks: Background threads, AsyncTask, Handlers, Loopers, services, notifications
  8. Graphics, Animation, and Sound: Shape drawables, animation drawables, property animations, custom views, playing sounds, SurfaceView
  9. Sensors, Camera, and Location: Motion sensors, taking photos, Google Play services, Google Maps
  10. Testing: TDD, unit tests, JUnit, integration tests, Espresso, UI tests

A big thank you to the zyBook staff that helped in producing this book: Roman, Kenny, Liz, Evan, the college interns that proofread the text, and tech support.

zyBooks don't usually have a dedication page, but I dedicate this book to my wife Becky who encouraged me these past 18 months while I worked on my book and my boys Ethan and Braden who love to play my Android apps. I love you guys!

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