- For North America, the average user performs 9.4 searches a week.
- 60% of users perform one Google query or less a day.
- Only 10% of users go to the next page of results.
- Half of all clicks to the Advanced Search page result in the user abandoning their search, most likely because they are overwhelmed by the Advanced Search interface.
- Most users look at 3 results before clicking on a result.
- Many users "teleport"... instead of using Google to make a search (like searching for a flight), they search Google for a website from which they can then make their desired search.
- The more query terms used in a search, the longer amount of time the user will spend examining the search results.
- Most people don't have a clue how Google works, and they don't really care. For example, many individuals Google only examines the first couple of lines of text from a page.
This evening I attended the Minute Madness where a representative from each of the demonstrations and posters got a minute to advertise their demo/poster. The poster reception was held immediately afterward, and Marko won top poster again (that punk won top poster last month at WWW07)!
I think the most interesting poster I saw though was Blogger Perceptions on Digital Preservation, a study conducted by UNC. The researchers performed a survey asking bloggers questions like, "What would happen if your blog suddenly disappeared?" Their work coincides with mine- I recently coauthored a paper where we asked individuals who actually lost their websites questions like "How did losing your website affect you?"
Glad you are having fun. Come home soon! The Bean and I miss you:)