Thursday, September 24, 2009

Google: We're sorry...

I tried to access my school email account this morning, and I got this error screen:

It says:
"We're sorry... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now."
Google is sorry again that their automated query detector has been tripped. At least they aren't accusing me of having a virus this time.

Anyone else seeing this? Apparently yes.


  1. Yup - scanning search results to see where we rank for various keywords. How long before this disappears and I can get Google back? Any idea?

  2. If you're a human and can solve the captacha, you're OK. Otherwise you're not going to be able to automate too many queries against Google before getting "caught".

  3. i faced the same problem too, i'm waiting for 4 hours and still get the same message. there's no capcha on my page
